#6 – Jurassic World Dominion Trailer Breakdown

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How can they survive in the snow?

Dinosaurs were endothermic (warm-blooded). They are related to modern-day birds, which are endothermic. 

Jingmai O’Connor PhD

“Punk Rock Paleontologist”

Some dinosaurs also could have been *mesothermic*, a combination of warm/cold-blooded! This is seen in some modern-day animals such as sharks, sea turtles, and some lizards. 

How did Blue have a baby if there are no other raptors?


It is a form of asexual reproduction where the mother clones herself to make a baby without a male.

 “life finds a way”.

– Ian Malcolm

What is the feathered raptor?

Pyroraptor – the real-life pyroraptor was about the size of a turkey

it should be pointed out that the JP dinos are unfeathered due to being hybrids with amphibians and reptiles.. which also further adds credibility to the cloning part.

The rival genetics company Biosyn probably used avian DNA in their dinos and that’s why their dinos are so different from the JP dinos

Finally, stop having huge internet arguments about the accuracy of Jurassic Park/World Dinosaurs! It’s a science fiction movie 🙂

We went to Jurassic Quest this last weekend!  

We give our review of this awesome event on today’s podcast!



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